En Viktig Dag för Hästens Välbefinnande - FEI Avsätter 11 Miljoner Kronor till Hästvälfärd
April 17, 2024
FEI godkänner strategisk handlingsplan för hästens välbefinnande och instiftar en stiftelse på 1 miljon CHF
New Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan is Approved
06 June 2024
FEI President hails "an important day for horse welfare"...
Animal welfare throughout the equestrian world has received a significant boost after a new strategy action plan and funding programme was approved.
The FEI Board gave its unanimous backing to an Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan and established a dedicated Equine Welfare Fund of CHF 1 million ($1.1m / €1.0m) to launch the plan.
Areas of focus
The action plan is based on the recommendations outlined in the final report of the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission (EEWC) and comprises six priority areas of focus.
These include Training, Riding, Tack and Equipment; Recognised Physical and Emotional Stress; Accountability, Enforcement and Knowledge; The Other 23 Hours; Competitive Drive/Horse as a Number/Object; and Not Fit to Compete/Masking Health Problems.
“This is an important day for horse welfare and the FEI,” said FEI President, Ingmar De Vos.
“The board took its responsibility and devoted time to discuss the detailed action plan with keen interest. Significant actions have been outlined, which will benefit horse welfare and will have a powerful impact on the sport as a whole.”
Ongoing perspective
The focus areas were divided into action points and entered into a matrix linking each point to the recommendations made by the EEWC, persons or groups in charge of delivery, finances, and deadlines. A series of other actions not linked to the six focus areas but addressing the EEWC recommendations have also been incorporated into the action plan, including education on the Five Domains of Animal Welfare approach, communications strategy, and reporting mechanisms.
The action plan will be finalised with the suggestions made by the board and will be published shortly. Implementation will begin immediately with the objective to propose initial rule changes that safeguard horse welfare at the FEI General Assembly 2024. The plan, which includes scientific research projects, offers an ongoing perspective that will continue to deliver in the coming years.
Mr De Vos added: “I want to take this opportunity to thank our NFs, stakeholders and equestrian community members for their feedback during and after the dedicated sports forum session which has greatly assisted the FEI in producing a tangible action plan.”
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