Nya CANTER-Riktlinjer Lanserades vid den Internationella Konferensen om Infektionssjukdomar
April 17, 2024
CANTER-riktlinjerna tillhandahåller evidensbaserad information om nyckelprinciperna för hållbar bekämpning av hästparasiter.
New CANTER Guidelines launched
CANTER Guidelines launch at the International Equine Infectious Disease Conference
The CANTER Guidelines for the sustainable use of anthelmintics in horses were formally introduced on Thursday 3rd October 2024 at the International Equine Infectious Disease Conference in Deauville, France. CANTER Chair, Dr Alison Pyatt presented the Guidelines alongside those from six other organisations from around the world.
It was indicated as a seminal moment in equine parasitology to have such wide-reaching representation within the same round table session. The meeting was lauded as an opportunity to highlight the urgency of the global anthelmintic resistance problem and to collaborate on best practice approaches. A key theme was the need for consistency in messaging to give clarity to horse owners.
Commenting on the launch of the UK CANTER Guidelines, Dr Alison Pyatt commented:
“It is such a privilege to Chair the CANTER group and now to share the prescriber facing guidelines. This pan-industry group, representative of the UK equine sector, is the first of its kind to promote a consistency in approach across prescriber groups. Thanks are extended to all CANTER contributors who have worked so hard on the development of this crucial document.”
The audience welcomed the responses from all countries in their endeavours to encourage sustainable use of anthelmintics and address the concerns around horse welfare.
The session was chaired by Professor Martin Nielsen and representatives from Australia, USA, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark and ESCCAP (the European Scientific Counsel for Companion Animal Parasites, which itself is represented in 19 different countries) presented their guidelines.
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