SLEIP sponsrar International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology, en global ideell organisation som ägnar sig åt att främja kunskap inom hästlokomotorisk analys, med fokus på att förstå och hantera halthetsförhållanden hos idrottshästar.
Oct 10, 2023
Sleip, new global sponsor of The International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology (ISELP)
Sleip is proud to announce its commitment to the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology. The global non-profit is dedicated to advancing knowledge within the field of equine locomotor analysis, focusing on understanding and managing lameness conditions in sports horses.
Sleip joins ISELP as a global sponsor, and will also contribute to the educational modules held in the US and Europe in 2024, where Sleip will be made available as a tool.
“Sleip will play an integral part in our future education, as with all of our other ISELP sponsors. We look forward to incorporating many of the educational and diagnostic benefits that Sleip has to offer, says Bob Cohencious - Director, Marketing & Corporate Development at ISELP.
On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and staff of ISELP, we take this opportunity to welcome our newest global sponsor, Sleip. ISELP is a Non-Profit Educational Society focused on lameness in the equine athlete. Our goal is to provide contemporary knowledge and techniques in the continually evolving field of equine locomotor analysis to better prepare the equine clinician to understand and manage lameness conditions in the equine athlete.
"We are thrilled to sponsor ISELP and formalize our support for the community of equine vets dedicated to understanding horses through motion, says Axel Nyström, CEO of Sleip. "We are passionate about bringing advances in science into practical use. Our company was founded on the premise of combining advances in equine biomechanical research with cutting-edge technology to support the clinical work of veterinarians with objective gait analysis.”
Missa inte Clinic på Sweden International Horse Show om Hur AI Bidrar till Ökad Hästvälfärd
Under Sweden International Horse Show bjuder Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, SLU, in till en unik clinic som visar hur ny teknik och artificiell intelligens (AI) kan revolutionera hästvälfärden. Innovativa lösningar som kan skapa friskare och mer hållbara hästar.
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En uteritt som gör gott. Agria, en av stiftelsens sponsorer, kommer att skänka 87.190 kronor (10 kr per ekipage som deltog) till Sjukhushästen och hans vänner.