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Is Markerless More or Less? Comparing a Smartphone Computer Vision Method for Equine Lameness Assessment to MultiCamera Motion Capture

Is Markerless More or Less? Comparing a Smartphone Computer Vision Method for Equine Lameness Assessment to MultiCamera Motion Capture

Published in Animals #13, January 24 2023 This study explores the lameness assessment capacity of a smartphone single-camera markerless computer vision application by comparing measurements of the vertical motion of the head and pelvis to an optical motion capture multi-camera system using skin-attached reflective markers.

Simple Summary: Lameness, an alteration of the gait due to pain or dysfunction of the locomotor system, is the most common disease symptom in horses. Yet, it is difficult for veterinarians to correctly assess by visual inspection. Objective tools that can aid clinical decision making and provide early disease detection through sensitive lameness measurements are needed. In this study, we describe how an AI-powered measurement tool on a smartphone can detect lameness in horses without the need to mount equipment on the horse. We compare it to a state-of-the-art multi-camera motion capture system by simultaneous, synchronised recordings from both systems. The mean difference between the systems’ output of lameness metrics was below 2.2 mm. Therefore, we conclude that the smartphone measurement tool can detect lameness at relevant levels with easy-of-use for the veterinarian.