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Ingvar Fredricson

Professor Ingvar Fredricson addresses the 2023 SLU PhDs on behalf of the Jubilee doctors

Professor Ingvar Fredricson addresses the 2023 SLU PhDs on behalf of the Jubilee doctors
February 16, 2024

"Never listen too much to old advisors, but feel what you believe deep down, because you are the ones at the forefront." That was Ingvar Fredricson's message to the young doctors, in connection with his being appointed Jubilee Doctor at the Swedish University of Agriculture.

VETERINARY MEDICINE JUBILEE DOCTOR INGVAR FREDRICSON obtained his veterinary degree at the University of Veterinary Medicine in 1967 and defended his thesis "Equine joint kinematics and co-ordination - Photogrammetric methods involving high-speed cinematography" in 1972. At SLU, his research group developed a movement laboratory for high-speed filming of horses in fast tempos and a minicomputer-based image analysis system. The research resulted in horse-friendly trotting, galloping, and riding tracks nationally and internationally. In 1982, Ingvar Fredricson was appointed adjunct anatomy and histology professor specializing in biomechanics. After 23 years, Fredricson left the academy to, as CEO of the Flyinge Foundation, Sweden's breeding and sport horse center, during the years 1983–1998, develop a modern center for horse breeding, equestrian sports, research, and horsemanship training.